Sunday, September 4, 2011

"Teach Me How to Katter, T-T-Teach Me How to Katter"

Hello Family and Friends!
I hope you all had a glorious week! After I emailed last week we went and hung out with the elders from the zone and when we got there they were playing basketball. My companion didn't want to play but, naturally, I stepped up to the plate (or shall I say hoop). I didn't tell any of them of my past bball experience (see highlights from the church ball game where I scored 15 of our 19 points and for some reason Kelly Ann got MVP, don't worry I'm not bitter about it) and so many of them were surprised to see that my outside J was better than Troy Bolton's. The best was when I schooled one of the elders with a crossover and shot a three and swished it. Everyone started giving him a hard time. It was funny. Then we played chair football and I was SOOO close to winning. I just had to get one more elder out but I was too exhausted from basketball, there is only so much I can do.
The rest of the week went pretty well. We found some new people to teach and so that was really good and one of our investigators got baptized on Saturday! It was a really great experience and I'm so happy for her. She's so great and I know the gospel is really going to bless her. She committed to everything as soon as we taught them to her. She was found when we were street contacting one Saturday and the elders came. She actually approached one of the elders to see what he had to say and we were able to start teaching her the next day. She truly was a miracle and I'm glad I got to be part of her conversion.
It hasn't been raining much this week but it has been rather chilly. It is really windy next to the sea front and we have been getting some cold winds which isn't so pleasant. However, it's a little easier for me to handle than Sister DeLucchi since she is from Las Vegas and isn't used to the cold as much. I'm nervous for her when it becomes winter time.
My left arm is really starting to hurt from having to switch gears all the time. I don't know how people live and drive like this. But I don't stall the car anymore and I only rev the engine on uphill starts which really scare me because the people behind me give me zero room. But other than that the driving isn't so bad anymore. I feel like I could drive anywhere now after having driven in England where there are no stop signs. Yeah, no stop signs.
Yeah, that's pretty much my week in a nutshell. Oh, and shout out to Ryan Kunz from my BYU 2nd ward for his amazing article on page 20 of the Ensign. Everyone should check it out! It's really good and I have everyone in England reading it!
Anywho, have an amazing week and I love and miss you all tons!!! And don't forget to put on sunscreen! (I don't care if it'll turn into a "tan").
Sister Smith

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